Sessions available in San Francisco, Sonoma and Online
We can see therapy clients from anywhere in California via telehealth. One of our clinicians is also licensed in Connecticut and can see clients from that state remotely. If you live outside of California or Connecticut we can see you for coaching services but not psychotherapy.
Therapy sessions are 50 minutes.
No, at this time we only work with individuals.
Professional coaching and psychotherapy are fundamentally different. Both are valuable, and at the same time it is important that you find the service that best meets your needs. Although both coaching and psychotherapy utilize knowledge of human behavior, motivation, and behavioral change, there are major differences in the goals, focus, and level of professional responsibility.
Coaching is designed to help identify your values, navigate obstacles, and support your success.
Psychotherapy, on the other hand, is a health care service. Its primary focus is to identify, diagnose, and treat emotional and mental disorders. The goals include alleviating symptoms, understanding the underlying dynamics which create symptoms, changing the dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors which are associated with these symptoms, and helping clients to cope with their psychological problems.
While psychotherapy may be reimbursable through health insurance policies, coaching is not.
In our practice we utilize evidence based strategies. These include:
Therapy is most effective when it occurs weekly. After a few months you and your therapist can evaluate progress and discuss whether it makes sense to move to every other week.
Our fees vary between $200 and $240 depending on the therapist. Our fees are commensurate with market rate in San Francisco for individual therapy and they reflect the quality of the services we provide.
As of January 1, 2022, you have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency healthcare services, including psychotherapy services.
The “Good Faith Estimate” explains how much your medical and mental health care will cost.
For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit
1732 Fillmore St.
San Francisco, CA 94115-3130
190 W. Napa St. #204,
Sonoma, CA 95476
The Tempesta Group 2024 | Privacy Policy